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COPY IN LETTER BOOK. Prides Crossing, Mass., August 4, 1915.

Dear Mr. Duveen: I fully intended to call on you while I was in New York yesterday, but my time was so occupied that when I was free, it was too late. I saw you had removed one of the over-door Fragonards from my house to be sent I suppose to Paris in order to get the proper color. I regret that it is necessary. I have no doubt, however, you will see that it goes by a line as free from war risks as possible, and that it is properly insured; it is likely you intend taking it over on the same steamer you go on, and if so, I trust you will make it a point to bring it back on the same steamer on which you return. It certainly would be a serious loss if anything should happen to it. Yours sincerely,

Mr. Joseph Duveen, 720 Fifth Avenue, N. Y.