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JAN VERMEER OF DELFT (1632 - 1675) A LADY AND A MAIDSERVANT Canvas, 30 inches by 35 inches A young lady, at the right of the composition, sits at a table; one hand, resting on this table, holds a pen. The other touches her chin as though she were perplexed. Her head, turned in "lost profile," looks toward a smiling maid-servant who hands her a letter. The young lady is dressed in a lemon-yellow morning sacque trimmed with white ermine. She has pearls in her hair, pearls around her neck, and a large pendant at the ear. The maid is dressed in a dull grey bodice and skirt. On the table, which is covered by a somewhat rumpled blue cloth, are a glass inkstand, a drinking glass and a casket. Mentioned by Leon Legrange, Gaz. des Beaux Arts, 1859. Mentioned by Marius Chaumelin, Trésors d'Art. Mentioned by William Bürger-Thore, Gaz. des Beaux Arts. Mentioned by Henry Havard, Van der Meer, 1883. Mentioned by C. Hofstede de Groot, Catalogue Raisonné Mentioned by Gustave Vanzype, Vermeer de Delft, 1908. Mentioned by Edward Pleitzsch, Vermeer van Delft, 1911. Mentioned by Philip L. Hale, Jan Vermeer of Delft, 1913. Mentioned by Charles Blanc, Jean Ver Meer. Mentioned by The Burlington Magazine, Feb., 1906. Illustrated in the Petite Galérie Lebrun, 1809. Illustrated in the Secrétan Collection Catalogue, 1889. Collection: A collector, Amsterdam, 1696. Collection: Joshua van Belle, Rotterdam, 1730. Collection: Burgomaster van Slingelandt, 1770. Collection: M Blondel de Gagny, Paris, 1776. Collection: M Poullain, Paris, 1780. Collection: M. Lebrun, Paris, 1809. Collection: M. Paillet, Paris, 1818. Collection: Duchesse de Berry, Paris, 1837. Collection: M. Dufour, Marseilles, 1859. Collection: M. E. Secrétan, Paris, 1889. Collection: M. A. Ponlovtsof, Petrograd. Collection: James Simon, Berlin. 165 GN