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33% pictures and 2/3 money would have to be the basis. A great many of the pictures are worth much more than I allowed and some of the others are fraudulent? worth nothing, later it as a whole, however, it was a good transaction. I allowed him $4,500. for an Israels which is worth --$30,000.-$7,300. for a Maris worth--$20,000. $4,200. for a L'hermitte worth -$7,500. etc etc- I promised not to disclose the name of the purchaser of the Turner, but will try and see him and ask permission to tell you - I can quite understand your wanting to see the Romney as it is an amount of money and no photography can possibly do it justice. It is a well bought picture and I shouldn't have hesitated to pay £40,000. for it myself simply for the reason it is one of the most beautiful English pictures in the world - I should say it was Romney's masterpiece, I will be glad to have you send anyone to see it whose opinion you feel you can rely upon and whose taste you approve of -- I regard it as a great chance and will be