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a man upon the art of his country is truly amazing I sent by Saturday's steamer a large Braun photograph of the Habbema + also a photograph of a small Velasquez only 14 x 18 inches, but painted upon his return from his second visit to Italy in 1651. It is a portrait of Queen Mariana of Austria, 2d wife of Philip the IV at about the age of 15 when first a bride. It is Velasquez finest period + a beautiful little picture - I talked with Beruete, the great authority on Velasquez, when in Spain about this picture, he admires it very much. It comes from Cadiz - The flesh and color are beautiful, + the silvery quality of the dress suggests crushed pearls, the photograph does it scant justice. In my opinion it is better than the Velasquez (about the same size) bought by Huntington from the Kann collection form $100,000. which you can see in his Spanish Gallery at Harlem, get Roland to take you there. Cable me your decision as I have put the picture to one side pending your reply. I open an exhibition of Old Maters next Thursday week Nov. 12th at Old Bond St + want to be in a position to sell it if you don't want it. The price to $40,000. to you $34,000. It is a well bought picture. I spent much time over it + was asked in the beginning 250,000. for - Don't be out off by the size, it is a head + has great carrying power much