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JEAN MARC NATTIER (1685-1766) THE HON. ELIZABETH HAMILTON PORTRAIT of the Hon. Elizabeth Hamilton, eldest daughter of Lord Archibald Hamilton, married to the Earl of Warwick, 1742. This portrait belonged to Charles Greville, the friend of Emma Hart (Lady Hamilton). "Francis, first Earl Brooke, and first Earl of Warwick, K.T, born 1719, succeeded to the barony in 1727, and was created Earl Brooke in 1746; and the title of Earl Warwick of Warwick Castel, becoming extinct by the death of Edward Rich, Earl of Warwick and Holland, 7th Sept, 1759, his majesty was pleased to add the dignity of Earl of Warwick to his lordship's other honors, by patent dated 30th Nov. in the same year. His lordship married 16th May, 1742, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Lord Archibald Hamilton, by whom he had three sons. " Burke's Peerage. She also bore him five daughters. The eldest son, George, born September, 1746, at Warwick Castle ("the King doing him the honor of standing godfather by Lord Conway, his proxy") married Henritta Vernon, the Lady Warwick of the full-length Romney in this Collection. The Countess of this portrait, after her husband's death, married General Robert Clark. She died in April, 1800, in her 80th year, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. In a letter of Lady Dalkeith, dated August 20, 1765, quoted in Complete Peerage, she says, "Lord! Lord! What strange creatures there are among us women. Lady Warwick has come to England, and refused admittance at her lord's house in Hill Street, and has taken lodgings in Kensington." 149