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472 West End Avenue, New York, February 10, 1917


Henry C. Frick Esq Dear Mr.Frick;- On leaving you this morning I phoned to Mr. Beck but he was in Washington not to return until Tuesday or Wednesday next, and in thinking over the fact that you have spoken to the Duveens of their actions toward me and advised them to drop the matter, which I did not before know, it occurred to me that you are in the position to demand that they ceased from annoying me any further about this matter, they being dealers from whom you have bought much and doubtless may buy more so that it would be to their interest to follow your demand in this respect, particularly as you requested of me my opinion, because you were not satisfied with the bust and wanted to know whether you were justified in your feeling ^and not wishing of course to depend upon their views alone, when they were trying to sell it to you. This was assuredly a point for you and you alone to decide and if you feel like addressing them in this way they will certainly acceded to your demand which you are perfectly justified in making and there will be no legal expenses to pay to any one. This of course is a mere suggestion and I am Dear Mr. Frick Faithfully Chas Henry Hart P.S. It is but right for me to say that I have considered this entire matter from the beginning as confidential between you and me and have not talked about it or discussed it, but if Duveens make it public my silence will be broken and the supreme court of public opinion ^can decide who is right and who wrong. Do you know that the french art paper Le cousins Pons has had several paragraphs about this bust not being of La Clairon which now that M. Vitry says also it is not enough in itself, leaving me out, for you to return the bust. It would be enough, if you had bought and paid for it, to recind sic. the contract and recover the price. C.H.H. Feby 12/17 Saw Jos Duveen who promised to drop matter F