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But if it is possible his Lordship wishes me to say that if you would stay the night at Duncombe ? Park, he would be more than charmed + any friends you would like to bring with you would be equally welcome. The best hospitality his Lordship can offer you is at your disposal. Of course this is for you to decide but I can only tell you Lord Feversham is most anxious you should partake of his hospitality + visit one of our greatest Estates, quite apart from any business question. I may now add that if you find it is underlined: absolutely impossible for you to leave London at all, I have persuaded Lord Feversham to promise me that he will at once send someone to Duncombe Park to bring up the Rembrandt, + you can see it in London, but Lord Feversham would prefer if you could go down there, as he so much wishes you to see his Estate of which he is so proud. As arranged I will give myself the privilege of calling at your Hotel on Wednesday morning at 9.30 to hear what you decide. In the meantime may I ask you to peruse the enclosed book, beginning at page 265, trusting you will give the matter your earnest consideration. Yours obediently, H. Silva White