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Duveen Brothers 720 Fifth Avenue New York

H.C. Frick, Esq. June 24, 1916. Page #3

permit anyone to have it until you have finally made up your mind whether you desire to possess it. In order that you may understand how it can be shown to advantage, I have had Sir Charles Allom design a frame for it with the idea that it may be displayed on the wall in your new gallery.

Please take your time about making a decision; It is only my desire that you shall have all fine things which prompts me to send it to you first.

Regarding the "Queen Tomyris with the Head of Cyrus", I would like to say that it is really a fine thing and would be highly prized by any connoisseur. It might well be included in your collection and the only reason why I did not place it there was because the base had been put on at a later date. This, however, does not detract from its beauty, so if you desire it you may feel quite at ease about purchasing it.

Number 23, "Venus"; this is one which I did not particularly recommend, yet I must admit that it is a Bronze of great beauty. Unfortunately, it had been re-gilt and the gold cannot be removed. The illustration shows it very attractively and undoubtedly would strike anyone as a very fine piece, but in its present condition I really do not think that I can conscientiously recommend it to you. However, you may have it if you desire it, but I want you to know exactly how I feel about it.

With respect to the balance of the Collection, I do not hesitate to say to you that none of it is of the standard of dignity and artistic merit which deserves a place in your collection.

With regard to the Limoges, I also send you the original typed list which we received from the Morgan Estate. I do not hesitate to say that you have secured

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