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[[Stamped in blue ink: COPY IN In graphite: Painting LETTER BOOK]] COPY

March 15, 1916.

Dear Mr. Anson: I have to thank you for your letter of the 24th of February and its enclosure. There are two pictures in the Bridgewater Gallery that I should like to purchase, known as Nos. 8 and 9 in the Bridgewater Gallery Catalogue of 1903 of 120 Most Noted Paintings;" they are by Titian, – one called "Diana and Actaeon" and the other "Diana and Callisto." They were purchased by the Duke of Bridgewater from the Duke of Orleans. I have two placed in my gallery that I should like to have two pictures of that size and importance occupy. It is very kind of you to take an interest in this matter and I appreciate it. As to their value, I am without any data to go by. They are, of course, important pictures, and I though a purchase direct from Ellsmere might be of advantage to both of us. It seems to me that the outlook for the complete victory of the Allies us growing brighter daily. I do hope you will not have to go to the front, and that we can look forward to having you on this side before many months. With kind regards, Very sincerely yours,

Hon. Alfred Anson, The Senechal's House, Precincts, Canterbury, England.