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The rev Hans Hamilton, Vicar of Dunlop, in Scotland, eldest son of Archibald Hamilton, Esq., of Raplock, in Lanarkshire, descended of the Duke of Hamilton's family. Died 30th May, 1608, aged 72; buried in the Parish Church of Dunlop.—See Ham. MSS., p. 1, ante. = Margaret Denham, daughter of the Laird of Weshiels; also buried at Dunlop with her husband, in the family mausoleum,—Ham. MSS., p. 3, ante. | Penelope Cookie, 1st wife.—See Hamilton MSS., p. 29, ante, and Mrs. Reilly's Historical Anecdotes of the Hamilton Family, p. 84. = Ursula, daughter of Edward, 1st Lord Brabazon, of Ardee, 2nd wife. She died in 1625, having been preciously divorced by her husband, by whom she had no children. —Ham. MSS., p. 29, ante. = Sir James Hamilton of Killigeagh, and Bangor, Co. Down, Knight, Serjeant- at-Law, and Privy Councillor to King James the First; created by Patent, dated at Westminster, 4th May, 1622, Viscount Claneboye; died 1643, aged 84; buried at Bangor, Co. Down.—Ham. MSS., p. 10. = Jane, daughter of Sir John Phillips, of Picton Castle, in Pembrokeshire, Bart., 3rd wife. She died 4th January, 1661.—See Funeral Entries in Ulster King of Arms Office, vol. IV., p. 47.—Ham. MSS., pp. 29, 48, 59, ante. | James, Lord Claneboye, born 7th Sept., 1642 ; died, aged 15, 8th May, 1658, before his father ; buried at Ricksmansworth, in Hertfordshire. —Ham. MSS., p. 70, ante. — Henry, 2nd Earl of Clansbrasil; died without leaving issue, 12th Jan., 1675-6 ; buried in Christ's Church, Dublin. —Fun. Ent., vol. x., p. 81; and subsequently, at Bangor.—Ham. MSS., p. 88. = Alice, daughter of Henry Moore, 1st Earl of Drogheda, in 1667, who married, secondly, John Lord Bargany, by whom she had no issue; and died 12th Cecember, 1677.—Ham. MSS., p. 96, ante. — Jane died an infant, and was buried with her brother James, at Rickmansworth.—Ham. MSS., p. 70. | James, Lord Clanchoye, born 15th April, 1670, and died 13th June following.—Ham. MSS., p. 118, ante.

a This Pedigree is based on one prepared by Sir William Betham, in the year 1827, but it contained many errors, which the Editor of the foregoing MSS, has been enabled to correct by references to them, and other authentic sources. As evidence of the necessity for, and nature of, these corrections, it will be sufficient here to mention that, in Sir William Betham's Pedigree, Sir James Hamilton, the head of the family in this country, is stated to have been only twice married; and his second wife, Ursula, daughter of Edward Lord Brabazon, whom he describes as his first wife, is also stated to have been the mother of the second Viscount Claneboy and the rest of his children, although they were all children of his third wife, Jane, daughter of Sir John Phillips.

b Another mistake is committed in Sir William Betham's pedigree as to this lady, which makes her the daughter of Archibald Hamilton of Halcraig by his second wife, Rachel Carmichael, by whom he had a daughter named Janet. The Editor has been enabled to correct this, by reference to the foregoing MSS., and to the valuable Record of Funeral Entries kept in Sir Bernard Burke's Office of Ulster King of Arms, from which the following extract has been obtained :—"Archibald Edmondston, of Braiden-Hand, in the County of Antrim, Esq., eldest son of William Edmondston, of Dontreath, in the parish of Streablin, in the Sheriffdome of Striveling, in the kingdom of Scotland, Esq., eldest son of Sir James Edmondston of Dontreath aforesaid, Knight, which Archibald married Jane, daughter of Archibald Hamilton of Halcraige, in the Sheriffdome of Lanirke, in the said Kingdom of Scotland, Esq., second brother to James, Lord Viscount Clandeboy, now living, by whom he had issue, William eldest sonne, deafe and dumme ; Archibald, second sonne, upon whom his father conferred his estate, both unmarried as yett ;