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a most charming composition with cow, shepherdess, sheep, water and a pleasant weather effect. It is also beautiful in color and very fine quality. The price of this picture is also 150.000. fcs and for your proper guidance I would say that I believe both these prices to be the lowest that would be accepted. In my humble opinion I believe them to be pictures without value & worth any price. Mr Jas. S. Forbes JAMES S FORBES President of the London Chatham & Dover R. R. was very anxious for the National Gallery to purchase the Corot & offered to subscribe £1.000. toward that end.

END OF PAGE 3/5 It would be a great picture for the Carnegie gallery, but of course I know nothing of their plans or intentions. The size of the Corot is 63x51 inches.

I am sure that you will be glad to learn concerning these pictures even though you do not care to purchase anything so expensive, as you appreciate DELETED TEXT that END DELETED TEXT the tremendous scarcity of important representations of these great men.

I had the pleasure of accompanying Mr. Porter & Mifs Woodwell to Poissy Tuesday & I think they had a very pleasant visit. Knight has started several pictures, which promise to be very attractive. I am glad to learn that you are getting so much pleasure out of