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[begin page 4 of 4] frontier to see two Titians. All these things may be useless as one takes ten journeys and achieves one success, however I might come across something very important.

There are certain things in prospect but nothing I can speak of as they are all mere possibilities naturally I will keep you posted as to everything we get and everything in the market.

None of the dealers have anything I would care to see you buy. There is a large Murillo owned by Agnew Wertheimer & Sulley very ex [text continues on facing page] pensive and not the character picture to buy. They also have a large Cuyp £25.000 but it wont compare with the beautiful example I showed you last winter with the Terburg. They have a Hobbema £20.000. not worth 1/2 of the one I have just purchased - etc etc. These pictures came from the Ashburton collection.

Roland sails 17 Octr. [October] and I expect to sail by the Kaiser Wilhelm II 25 Novr. [November] or possibly by the Lusitania 21 Novr. [November]. Betty joins me in kindest regards.

Sincerely Yours Charlie Carstairs

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